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February 12, 2014
Top Headline Comments 2-12-14
Happy Wednesday.
Charles C.W. Cooke has a must-read on Obama's lawlessness. Sen. Mike Lee has a related item at the Weekly Standard asking, "If Obama is so lawless, why is no one suing him?" Lee is correct, so far as he goes, but he doesn't discuss the possibility (a long-shot, but not that long of one given President Obama's continuing unilateral amendment of the ACA) of congressional standing left open by Raines v. Byrd, as I briefly mentioned last year. We just need to find a member of Congress whose vote for Obamacare is being frustrated by Obama's refusal to enforce it as enacted. Yeah, okay. I said it's a long-shot.
Admiral McRaven says special ops will have working "Iron Man" suits by 2018. Given that it's "a collaborative effort involving 56 corporations, 16 government agencies, 13 universities, and 10 national laboratories," I suspect 2028 is closer to the mark.
The Idaho Supreme Court ruled that gay spouses may adopt their spouses' children, even though gay marriage isn't lawful in Idaho. The state high court noted that the Idaho adoption statute provides that "any adult person" may adopt, not "any adult married person," as one judge had interpreted it to exclude a gay spouse who had married her wife in California.
I was celebrating several Blue on Blue events yesterday as a nice change from sighing over the perpetual circular firing squad on our side. The intraparty strife on the left is spreading: NARAL, a pro-abortion organization, is publicly opposing one of Obama's district court nominees. The group joins several black organizations and the Congressional Black Caucus in opposing the nominee. So far the White House isn't having it: "Jarrett’s answer" to the group's pleas "was a terse, 'No.'"
Gov. Christie's office is pushing back hard against hacktastic NYTimes reporter.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:59 AM
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