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February 07, 2014
AoSHQ Podcast: Taking The Week Off
We had CAC lined up to guest with us this week and talk about early polling and election prognostications, then everyone got too busy to actually record the thing. So, in true AoSHQ fashion, we put it off until next week.
In the meantime, feel free to listen to an a episode from the archives, and I'll answer a few Moron Mailbag questions.
James writes: "Thanks very much for the podcasts, they're great fun. When you post the file, would you also please post it in pieces, maybe 30-40 minutes each? My connection is spotty enough that the longer files invariably error out at some point during the download."
A: Have you tried streaming it with Stitcher? Also, let me know in the comments how common this issue is. It's easy enough to split the file, but that's one more thing to have to do.
Buzzsaw90 asks: Doesn't the CBO report prove that Obama is another (better) Lincoln? Which president has emancipated more slaves from the chains of work they did not wish to do?
A: Lincoln is clearly a mere speck of the greatness that is Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of the United States. Also, asking this question is racist.
Emile says: I've noticed Gabe acting as the official timekeeper.What, if anything, is standing in the way of more or longer podcasts? I know you guys are busy but if it's a matter of hitting the tipjar it would be worth it for me.
A: See the lead above. I'd love to post podcast every day, but keeping it topical means recording one every day too (as opposed to pre-recording a bunch of audio and dribbling it out, I mean) and that's not happening. We can barely get together to record one a week as it is. That said, hitting the tipjar for the Head Ewok is never a bad idea.
We also got lots and lots of election-related questions, which we'll queue up for CAC next week. Thanks for listening and for sending all the questions, comments and even occasional compliments.
Questions & comments here: Ask the Blog
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