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January 24, 2014
Enemies List: Is Dinesh D'Souza Being Politically Targeted?
So asks Althouse with a tilt towards "Yes." It's not that D'Souza is innocent, mind you; she notes his response pretty much confesses the action that he's being charged with.
The problem is Obama's pattern of not prosecuting his buddies-- and then hounding his enemies like a bloodhound on the trail of a bloodhound-chew-toy thief.
Laws need to be enforced neutrally, across the board, or we need to be free of them. When the executive authority spares its friends or, worse, targets its enemies, what is revealed is the insufficient or fake commitment to rules that bind everyone and that deter rule-followers (like me) from engaging in activities we might want to engage in. I want to smoke out this insufficient or fake commitment to campaign finance law by challenging government to prosecute all violators. If that challenge is unmet, we deserve different laws.
AND: It's really quite unfair, when some candidates spent lots of money carefully avoiding violations of the law and forgo contributions that would violate the law, for another candidate to get away with violations. But it doesn't undo the unfairness to prosecute some and not others. It only breeds more disrespect for the law.
Instapundit agrees, approving linking some blogger whose name I didn't catch, who noted Obama's and the Democrats' blatantly partisan use of prosecutorial resources to wage a political war by other means.
Instapundit be on FoxNews sometime today to discuss this.
Pronoun Confusion: Sorry, I said "He'll be on FoxNews," which, referring back to the last noun referenced, would mean Maetenloch.
But I didn't mean that. I screwed it up. I meant Instapundit will be on.
And yes, I also meant "Javert" not "Jalvert," though I've heard it both ways.
And I said "53 minutes from now" to save people the hassle of figuring out time zone shifts.
Any other complaints and criticisms, you f***buckets?
$1,000,000 Fine and Jailtime vs. a Misdemeanor. The feds seek a $1,000,000 fine from D'Souza. Plus up to seven years of jail.
They aren't always quite so tough on straw donors.
Democratic straw donors, I mean.
D’Souza was charged Thursday with one count of making illegal campaign contributions, which carries a maximum sentence of two years in prison. He also is charged with one count of causing false statements to be made to the FEC, which carries a maximum of five years in prison.
Straw-donor cases have been brought against prominnent individuals from time to time. For example, in 2011, a prominent Los Angeles attorney, Pierce O’Donnell, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of making $20,000 in donations to the presidential campaign of former Sen. John Edwards and reimbursing straw donors.
More Corrections: Instapundit will not be on at 2:30. He'll be doing a Fox interview at that time, but he doesn't know when it will air.
And I got rid of the Javert reference.