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January 14, 2014
Who's Up for Another High-Budget Prank for Another Mid-Budget Horror Movie?
This would-be viral video of a telekinetic girl having a bad case of PKMS in a coffee shop for the movie Carrie was pretty good. I didn't see Carrie, and basically no one else did either, but the prank was good.
So basically the viral ad didn't work, as far as getting people to actually see the retread movie.
Well, there are two things Hollywood likes to do a whole heck of a lot:
1. Imitate and copy things that worked before
2. Imitate and copy things that did not work before
Basically they just like to imitate and copy things. So there's a new movie coming up called Devil's Due, which I imagine is just ripoff of Rosmary's Baby, The Exorcist, and The Omen, except with CGI, and so now they've rigged up a Possessed Devil Baby in a Haunted Baby Carriage to scare passers-by.
Video below.
Also from io9: A sculptor did a series of "Visible Body" sculptures, you know, where you can see the skeleton and internal organs. Except he did it with toys.
I call this "My Pretty Nightmare:"

Okay, that oversells it. It's not that scary. In fact, the sculptor says even kids aren't scared:
"Kids aren't scared by them. They're fascinated," says Freeny, the New York-based artist who's hand-sculpted hundreds of these inner anatomies, built into commercially-available toys, over the last seven years. "I believe that being frightened by inner anatomy is a learned thing. It's something that's taught to kids by society, rather than something that's innate."
His version of Barbie offers an anatomically correct view of the inside of one breast, as well as some detail of the pudendum, which, in scientific jargon, is called the mons junk.
Anyway, enough silliness. Let's get to that Possessed Devil Baby.
This post certified "Fresh" by Dave from Garfield Ridge.