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January 14, 2014
Creepy: Germany Seeks to Take Away Family's Well-Educated, Socially Well-Adjusted Children for Crime of Homeschooling Them;
Obama Administration Sues to Help Germany Do So
The left observes its own rule: Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and render unto Caesar what is not Caesar's.
They're not your children, you know. They are Future State-Owned Taxable Economic Units. You just have limited temporary at-discretion custody of them.
The Romeike family was granted asylum in the United States because the German government was intent on wresting away the children and putting the parents in cages for the crime of homeschooling their children, which is verboten in Germany, a legacy of the country’s totalitarian past. The Obama administration, which in other notable areas of immigration law has enacted a policy of “discretion” regarding deportations, took the Romeike family to court to have its asylum protections revoked, and succeeded in doing so. The family has appealed to the Supreme Court, which has ordered the Obama administration to respond to the Romeikes’ petition, but the administration has so far refused to do so.
As the Romeikes’ story unfolds, another German family is being held in the country against their will, also for the crime of homeschooling their children — or intending to do so, at least. The Wunderlich family had their children kidnapped by the German government — the agents of which came crashing through their door with battering rams — as retaliation for their homeschooling. They complied with the government’s demands regarding their children’s education and, understandably enough, began the process of relocating to France, where attitudes toward family life are more civilized. The Germans responded by refusing to reinstate their custody of their children, with a judge determining that the desire to homeschool presents an “endangerment” to the children.
That is the environment into which the Obama administration intends to send the Romeike family.
The institutional Left hates homeschooling, hates it with a remarkable intensity....
Kevin D. Williamson is just getting started. Also just getting started is Roger Kimball, quoted by Instapundit:
What brought me up short today, however, was a news story from a friend about a worrisome development in Germany. The homeschooling movement is a vibrant and growing force in this countries. Leftists don’t like it, because it presumes to challenge the indoctrinating powers of the state with the civilization imperatives of parents, informed by churches, local communities, and moral commitments foreign to the left-liberal narrative.
Things are different in the Fatherland of Germany, where a judge recently ordered that parents may not have custody of their children because “the family might move to another country and homeschool, posing a ‘concrete endangerment’ to the children.”
In August, 20 armed police, equipped with a battering ram just in case, arrived at the door of this Darmstadt family and forcibly took four children, ages 7 to 14.
Was there anything wrong with the children? Nope. The judge — whose name, by the way, is Marcus Malkmus, in case you have a voodoo doll handy or wish to burn him in effigy — the judge admitted that the children were 1) academically proficient and 2) well adjusted socially.
He just didn’t like homeschooling.
Why? Pay attention now: this takes us deep into the heart of a leftist: because he feared that “the children would grow up in a parallel society without having learned to be integrated or to have a dialogue with those who think differently and facing them in the sense of practicing tolerance.”
The invocation of “tolerance” is especially cute, don’t you think?
Monopolies do not like competition, and will engage in underhanded practices to squash such would-be competitors.
When the monopoly is armed with guns, it doesn't feel obligated to resort to subtlety.
And monopolies don't have to deliver good products, so they deliver awful ones. If you don't believe me, read this.
Incredible. Incredible.