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December 20, 2013
AoSHQ Podcast: Guest, Jon Gabriel
Ricochet.com's Jon Gabriel (a/k/a ExJon) joins Ace, Gabe, Drew, John and me to discuss the fake outrage over Phil Robertson, the Juicebox brigade's even more fake babies for Amazon.com discounts, this week's NSA rulings and the Obamacare footie pajama guy.
There was, miraculously, no big fight between Drew and Gabe, but I promise they'll make it up to you soon.
We wrap up the episode with quick hits and Q&A from the Moron Mailbag:
Joseph: This is a question for Ace: for a while Ace, you were ending a lot of posts with your 'in your mouth' joke. I was hoping you could read one of them aloud so that we know what it sounds like when you're writing it. Thanks!
tsrblke: What do you guys actually think of the Horde? Do you hate us? Tolerate us? Ignore us? (Be honest).
Elle: Why aren't some of the other cobs on the podcast?
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