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December 07, 2013
Saturday Car Thread 12/7/13 - [Niedermeyer's Dead Horse]
A couple of young men died this week while racing down a city street in Santa Clarita, CA. Many people died that day, folks from all over the country, but we know of these particular deaths because one of the dead was a Hollywood star. The fact that he was famous and drawing so much press coverage sent many on Twitter into a faux rage about all the attention he received due to his fame. And, I agree that his death is not more tragic simply because he was famous. However, I would also argue that his death was not less tragic either. A young man died and left behind a family who loved him. The fact that we know this due to his fame simply means that we can put a name and a face to the death and that fact alone makes it more personal. Nothing more, nothing less.
R.I.P. Paul Walker
Driving is a dangerous undertaking which is only made more dangerous when speed and/or alcohol are introduced into the environment. There's a reason why racing is conducted in a controlled environment. That's not to say that we haven't all done it. We have, and are blessed to have survived our foolishness. And, that's not to say that all speed is bad. In fact, you're better off not being the slowest guy on the road when every one else is doing 75 mph, but racing down a public street is not the ideal for either the driver, the passenger, or those in close proximity. Toss in some distracted drivers, a few selfish assholes, and a foreigner or two trying to adapt to driving on the right side of the road and, well, it's one big crash-stew on simmer.
Originally, when composing this post, I captured images of famous accident scenes but, in the end, it was all too ghoulish to post. However, it served as a reminder that no person is immune in a car crash: Not the young and beautiful. Not the very wealthy or famous. Not the elite. Not the politician. (See Princesses Grace and Diana, Dodi Fayed, James Dean, Sam Kinison, Harry Chapin, Jayne Mansfield, and Mary Jo Kopechne to start). Hell, even in a controlled environment and with the very best-in-class behind the wheel...
With all the latest advancements in safety in use...
With the latest in automotive design applied...
Even when the accident looks completely survivable...
Speed can kill.
In happier news: The 6th generation Ford Mustang was unveiled this week and, thus far, the press is positive. I've gotta hand it to Ford because those glamour shots on their website are stunning. Looking at it from the side, from the rear tire forward, it has a very refined look to it.

While we're at it, can someone tell me, please, just what the heck they were thinking with Gen-3?

Click here for a more detailed timeline of the evolution of the Mustang.
From the twitter world, where I am now honored to be followed by one Ms. Ruth Buzzi, I have learned that her Rolls Royce is up for sale. Just last week she sold her 1967 Jaguar. It's funny. I would never have thought of Ms. Buzzi as a Rolls Royce kind of gal.
Remember, speed kills. Take your time. Smell the roses.
Feel free to drop suggestions, complaints, and commendations to me at teh Twitter.

posted by Open Blogger at
03:25 PM
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