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December 07, 2013
Another Hollywood Disappointment [OregonMuse]
OK, so I watched this trailer here:
...and I thought, hey, this looks pretty good. Maybe we're actually going to get a big-budget Biblical spectacle that doesn't suck.
Also, the way this trailer is structured, it looks like the movie is going to be a more or less straightforward retelling of the familiar Bible story.
Doesn't it?
But then I read this, and my hopes were dashed.
And for a more complete analysis, written by a Christian screenwriter who somehow managed to get hold of the script, read this.
It's is a long article, but you can just glance through it to get the gist. And if this is the script that Aronofsky actually used when he was filming, then the trailer is completely deceptive.
I don't often pay to see a first-run movie in the theater. I think 'The Hobbit' was the last one I actually went out to see. Movies these days just aren't worth the time or expense. 'Noah' might have been an exception. I might have gotten my fat butt up out of the Barcalounger and plunked down my $8 (or whatever tickets go for these days) at the theater because it looked like it could have been worth it.
But not now.
So the movie industry will have to find a way to scrape by without my $8. I am encouraged that the verdict of the test audiences who were shown this movie was that it blew chunks. So the suits at Paramount now have a $150 million stinker on their hands, and they need to decide what they're going to do with it. I don't think there's any way they're going to be able to polish up this turd enough to attract the audience numbers they would like to see, but who knows, look who got elected President.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:05 PM
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