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December 04, 2013
Young Voters Turn Against Obama & Obamacare
Even the slowest boats eventually reach the river's bank.
A Harvard study that tracks the attitudes of young voters (and, I guess, the #WHYouth) finds that they've gone sour on Obama.
The results blow a gaping hole in the belief among many Democrats that Obama's two elections signaled a durable grip on the youth vote.
Obama's approval rating among young Americans is just 41 percent, down 11 points from a year ago, and now tracking with all adults. While 55 percent said they voted for Obama in 2012, only 46 percent said they would do so again.
When asked if they would want to recall various elected officials, 45 percent of millennials said they would oust their member of Congress; 52 percent replied "all members of Congress" should go; and 47 percent said they would recall Obama. The recall-Obama figure was even higher among the youngest millennials, ages 18 to 24, at 52 percent.
Obama needs these young fools to sign up for his massively redistributive trainwreck. But they've gotten word it's intended to harm them:
According to the poll, 57 percent of millennials disapprove of Obamacare, with 40 percent saying it will worsen their quality of care and a majority believing it will drive up costs. Only 18 percent say Obamacare will improve their care. Among 18-to-29-year-olds currently without health insurance, less than one-third say they're likely to enroll in the Obamacare exchanges.
It's an online survey, though performed by what seems to be a respectable outfit. But I'm not sure how the polling industry feels about online polls, which include a healthy dose of self-selection.