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December 04, 2013
Martin Bashir Out at MSNBC
MSNBC has a stable of troglodytes, but Bashir's vulgarity was too much even for them.
A couple of idiots from Politico were discussing MSNBC's lineup on their video podcast a couple of weeks ago, and one likened it to "Animal House."
Central to the leftist's sense of vanity is his mistaken belief that he is an elevated person, in taste, intellect, and culture. In fact, he is none of these things. In almost all cases, he actually aspires to mediocrity -- or at least he would aspire to mediocrity, if he weren't already so convinced he had nothing else to prove to the world.
Martin Bashir directly challenges that self-flattery. Not only is he thick-headed and crude as a general matter, but he routinely resorts to provocations so vulgar that only the crudest malefactors in the Fightin' Fightin' Nutroots could fail to notice their vulgarity.
As such, he's bad for business. Starbucks could not con people into buying $6 cups of coffee if, directly beside the register, stood a magazine rack openly displaying vintage copies of Hustler.
Of course, the rest of MSNBC's lineup is similarly crude and thuggish. Ed Schultz is a red-faced rage-drunk, Al Sharpton is a rabble rouser with a body-count, Lawrence O'Donnell gets menacingly angry talking to women and occasionally challenges people to streetfights (people he knows won't accept the challenge, by the way), and Chris Matthews alternates between frothing accusations of racism and sending video selfies of his on-air visible erections to Barack Obama.
Meanwhile, of the alleged "smart ones" -- the ones who play to the leftist's erroneous self-conception of belonging to the intellectual and cultural elite -- Rachel Maddow is a conspiracy-theory loving imbecile whose concept of analysis is a sneering head-tilt, and who routinely pushes Alex Jones level nonsense out to a gullible public. Chris Hayes, despite his pretenses of reasonableness, is true-believing hyperpartisan goon.
But Martin Bashir's ratings were the lowest of The Low lineup, and so he's gone.