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November 30, 2013
A Couple Of Good Saturday Reads
The first from Matt Labash over at The Weekly Standard really is a must-read. He followed around the completely "non-partisan" Enroll America group in Florida, who were walking around door-to-door looking to "inform" people about their "choices". Hilarity ensued.
One thing I've noticed, and it's a good thing for those of us that oppose the ACA, is just how deeply this Obamacare failure perception has penetrated the public consciousness. I even saw an Auburn fan carrying around a "[Nick] Saban Loves Obamacare" sign this morning (an Oregon student did the same to Stanford a few weeks ago on ESPN). It seems to have gotten to the point that the memes and lolcat generation is publicly mocking it, which is probably more dangerous to the law than supporters realize. Even minorities, the most supportive of the Obama agenda, are making fun of the law:
A few houses later, Rhianna tries to straighten out an address on her list with two guys standing on a porch—one African American, wearing flip-flops and jogging shorts with no shirt, the other looking like the Cuban-American rapper Pitbull. They exchange pleasantries, and Rhianna asks if they both have insurance and are pleased with it. Yes, they assent.
But when I ask the gents if they have any intention of signing up for Obamacare, they start laughing—at first politely, then almost violently. “No!” says Pitbull. “And wait online 18 hours?” “Obamacare!” says Shirtless, elbowing Pitbull. Pitbull then starts making finger-pistol signs directing me down the street. “Keep on walking with Obamacare,” he says, still convulsing.
Also, check out this
Daily Beast article that examines the shifting demographics and leftward sprint in urban politics. Cities are becoming more and more Democrat super-majority controlled, largely because the middle class is getting squeezed out.
The decline in voter participation occurs as cities are becoming ever more one-party constituencies. Two decades ago a large chunk of the top twelve cities were run by Republicans, but today none are. America’s cities have evolved into a political monoculture, with the Democratic share growing by 20 percent or more in most of the largest urban counties.
Both are long, but well worth the time.

posted by JohnE. at
03:20 PM
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