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November 23, 2013
Overnight Open Thread (23 Nov 2013)
So there is breaking news that we have reached a deal with Iran on their nuke program. I'm pretty sure I've seen this movie before (see Nork deal with Clinton) and know how it's gonna end. This is nothing more than another short distraction from Obamacare as we really didn't gain anything from this deal (although the media makes it sound like this is awesome!). Tune in next week when Obama gives anti-ballistic missile secrets to Russia for some peanuts.
Why Obama can't wave away the Obamacare clusterfark.
So, if you want to understand the blindness and arrogance of the Obama White House in failing to appreciate the wave of rage and disappointment and disgusted wonderment that would hit them in the wake of the ObamaCare rollout, you need only consider these factors.
He has always had the protection of his liberal base.
He has always had the protection of Senate Democrats, who have not acted in any way to trouble him regarding these scandals and who have impeded aggressive investigations into them.
And he has always had the protection of the mainstream media.
As a result, Barack Obama and his administration have said what they felt they needed to say and done what they felt they needed to do for immediate political gain.
I'm still willing to bet that there were more reporters in Alaska covering Palin in 2008 than have been assigned to all the scandals in the Obama White House.
Another belief destroyed
Well, well. Decade long study claims video games do not make kids more violent. Anti-gun crowd will have to look elsewhere for excuses.
Analysis showed that video games, when presented to children as young five, had absolutely no effect on the child's attention, behavior, or emotional issues. Televison, however, did affect some participants, specifically children between the ages of five and seven.
I don't expect to see democrats going after television entertainers anytime soon do you?
Thanksgiving Menu Generator
Having troubles filling out your Thanksgiving menu? Give the Thanksgiving Menu Generator a spin. I just might have to give the flaming punch a try.
Beer Pong Shots
Pretty amazing. If it's not CGI.
Cotton Ball Diet
Good lord there are some dumb people out there. Dangerous diet trend: the cotton ball diet.
The diet, as described in chat rooms, on YouTube videos and elsewhere on the Web, involves gobbling up to five cotton balls dipped in orange juice, lemonade or a smoothie in one sitting. The idea is to feel full without gaining weight. Some dieters chow down on the fluffy fillers before a meal to limit their food intake, while others subsist on cotton balls exclusively.
North Korea Leads The Way
I bet the environmentalists would just love to mimic the Norks. North Korea achieves 80% reduction in carbon emissions.
Honor Guard Fails
Even the best have an off day.
Grapes and Spiders
Just a friendly PSA. You might want to check your grapes at the store before taking them home. It seems they're finding black widows in the bags. For some reason, farmers have cut back on the pesticides that used to keep the spiders in check. I wonder why that is.
I'm sure it is just a coincidence. Today versus the depression.
Cat Video
Tonight's ONT brought to you by Dads: The Original Hipsters:
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