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November 22, 2013
California Rejects Obama's Magical "Fix" for Cancelled Policies. 1 Million Set To Lose Coverage On January 1
California is often touted as an ObamaCare success. Nearly 1/3 of registrants/shoppers/people who Googled ObamaCare (or however they are measuring it) came from California about 80,000 in total. Of course this "success" is made up mostly of old and sick, so hop aboard the Death Spiral Express!
Now the state has rejected the illegal and unworkable plan to let 1 million plus Californians keep their policies.
Unlike in other states where the insurance commissioners are making the decisoin on Obama's newest scheme, it's the management of the exchange itself who made the call in California.
But in California, although the state's insurance commissioner, Dave Jones, strongly favored Obama's fix, he said he needed the state's new insurance exchange, Covered California, to release insurers from contractual obligations that they cancel policies that did not comply with the law by year end.
Covered California's board decided on Thursday not to allow people to stay in non-compliant plans beyond the end of the year.
"Covered California has spent a lot of time structuring a marketplace that's best for consumers," the exchange's executive director, Peter Lee, told the board before it voted on Thursday.
On Thursday, Jones called Covered California's decision a "disservice to California's consumers," but said there was nothing more he could do.
Huh, it's almost like they had a financial incentive to force people into their crappy programs to subsidize the old and sick who are signing up in their faux market place.
Oh and if you're keeping score...
Covered California has signed up 80,000 uninsured and forced 1.1 million out of their plans. That means there are 1,020,000 MORE uninsured people in California now than before this whole thing started.
Welcome to Liberal World!

posted by DrewM. at
01:31 PM
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