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November 22, 2013
AoSHQ Podcast: Guest, Scott Lincicome
Bumped! While we work on other posts.
Programming Note: Given the holiday next week, we thought we'd mix the podcast format up a bit and answer reader questions instead of booking a guest, talking about the latest Obamacare clusterf***, etc.
This is where you come in.
If you have any thoughts/questions/comments/advice/requests related to the blog, send them to me at andy+asktheblog AT aoshq DOT com.
Send all other comments, hate mail, etc. to Gabe and/or Drew who apparently came up with this cockamamie idea.
Scott Lincicome, attorney, writer at The Federalist, Cato Institute fellow, etc., etc., joins Ace, Gabe, Drew and John to discuss Obamacare and GOP alternatives and the Census Bureau's unemployment data SNAFU. They move on discuss free market-oriented tax reforms based on Scott's piece on the child tax credit that we covered at the HQ and finish up with some quick hits on a range of topics.
Referenced in this episode:
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