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November 18, 2013
The Not Even Remotely Conservative "National Journal"...Hey, Democrats May Start Thinking About Repealing ObamaCare
There are not quotes or any Democrats even saying it off the record but when outlets like National Journal start gaming out ObamaCare repeal scenarios....
More than anything, politics is about self-preservation, and the last two weeks provided numerous examples of how public opinion has turned so hard against the law that even its most ardent supporters are running for the hills. It's not just red-state Democrats, like Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu, distancing themselves from the law. It's blue-state senators like Oregon's Jeff Merkley and New Hampshire's Jeanne Shaheen -- and top blue-state recruits like Michigan's Gary Peters and Iowa's Bruce Braley, who voted for GOP legislation Friday that the White House said would "gut" the law. Nearly every House Democrat in a competitive district joined with Republicans to threaten the law. Without a quick fix, those ranks will grow.
This tsunami of blowback, which built in just the last month, is unsustainable for Democrats over the long haul. The president isn't just losing his skeptics from the chaotic Obamacare rollout but his allies who stood to gain from the law's benefits -- namely Hispanics, whose approval of the president has dropped more than any demographic subgroup since the problems began. The simplest solution -- if only to stop the bleeding -- is to get the website fixed. (When former DNC Chairman Howard Dean's proposal is to hire tens of thousands of young phone operators to sign people up for insurance -- straight out of a Jerry Lewis telethon -- as he suggested on "Morning Joe," it's clear the website problems are really bad.).
Giving your personal information to thousands of OFA volunteers. What could go wrong?
Obama could and would veto any repeal bill but as th piece points out, 62.4% of the House voted for Upton last week and that's a stones throw for the 2/3 needed to override a veto.
And keep in mind, ObamaCare's approval is in free fall.
Karl over at Hot Air has a look at some of the other landmines yet to go off for ObamaCare.
Is repeal around the corner? I don't know but I find the fact that it's even on the radar of a guy like Josh Kraushaar at a place like National Journal telling. If I were a Democrat, I'd find it terrifying.
Added Fun Factoid:
National Journal is owned by the Atlantic Media Group. You know who is a top exec at the Atlantic Media Group? Linda Douglas. That's the same Linda Douglas who used to scold people for lying telling the truth about ObamaCare.
Might get awkward at the ol' Atlantic Christmas party this year.
posted by DrewM. at
10:18 AM
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