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November 13, 2013
Top Headline Comments 11-13-13
Happy Wednesday.
Another day, another story about gullible liberal voters who are "miffed" to discover what Obamacare is really all about. "If you guessed that she got no response from any of those elected officials, you win a box of cough drops."
Poll: only 19 percent think that healthcare will improve in the next year because of Obamacare. 43 percent say it will get worse, with 33 percent saying no difference.
Surprise, surprise, the Obama White House is already preparing the press for the obvious and inevitable: the Healthcare.gov website will not be ready by 11/30.
Top Cuccinelli and McAuliffe aids continue to talk about what just happened in Virginia.
6 of the 14 new states on the UN Human Rights Commission have a history of human rights abuses.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:44 AM
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