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November 12, 2013
Oregon Democrat Turns On Obama, Calling "If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan" Promise "Grossly Misleading to the American Public"
It begins. Rep. Kurt Schrader, who won his seat in a very competitive district in Oregon, calls Obama's lie "grossly misleading," which isn't quite the same as saying it's a lie.
But it's pretty close. One way he softens the blow is by suggesting that policies get canceled in the normal course of things. True... but grossly misleading itself. Insurance companies may cancel a policy and make minor changes, and then offer the client the new somewhat-changed policy; Obamacare deliberately forced the cancellation of millions of policies, and demanded they be greatly changed.
Including, of course, changed in premium, so that a forced subsidy to the sick could be imposed on the healthy.
Then again, when asked about Comically Evasive Mouthpiece Jay Carney's claim that some policies are only being canceled for failure to meet Obamacare's "minimum standards," he says: "It sounds like a lot of double-talk to me."