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November 12, 2013
Bill Clinton: Obamacare Law Should Be Changed to Honor "If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan" Promise
Compare this new statement with one he offered just two days before Obmacare went live dead.
The Republican Party is “begging for America to fail” by rooting for President Obama’s signature health care law to fail, former President Bill Clinton said during an interview for “This Week” with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos,
“I’ve never seen a time — can you remember a time in your lifetime when a major political party was just sitting around, begging for America to fail … I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I’ll be shocked if it fails,” [said Clinton].
He went on to say that all these "dire predictions" Republicans were making would not come to pass, and agreed it would be a "big plus" in the "next election."
And now? Probably doing some surrogating for Hillary!, he now says the law must be changed.
No link yet for the new statement -- I saw it reported on Fox News, and on Twitter.
I'm posting this because it's breaking news but don't miss Drew's post below-- a memo to the project manager said that Healthcare.gov's security risks for users was "limitless" and said it would be until 2014 or even 2015 until these security holes were plugged. But the project manager, of course, claims he never saw a memo sent to himself.