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November 08, 2013
Gallup Poll: Very Little Interest in Obamacare, Among the Uninsured
Oh perfect. I'm so glad we're making the previously insured pay stratospheric premiums to benefit a group that turns out to be not all that interested in insurance anyway.
Just 18 percent of uninsured Americans have attempted to use the exchanges in the five weeks since they opened. Slightly more, 22 percent, have tried among those who are uninsured and say they plan to buy insurance.
Gallup completely undercuts the claim of overwhelming popular demand concluding the exchanges have "generated relatively little interest or use among uninsured Americans -- the primary target group..."
A previous poll found that 44% were interested in using the website -- future tense, before it actually rolled out. Obama's debacle has cut that level of interest (already pretty low, when you think about it) in half.