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November 06, 2013
Top Headline Comments 11-6-13
Whalp, that didn't come out right.
As I write, Mark Obenshain is behind by about 500 votes. This is the Virginia Attorney General race, and it's the only thing standing between us and a complete Democratic sweep. Obenshain is one of the reasons I went to the polls yesterday (although I voted for Cuccinelli too, as anyone should have expected given my posts for the last six years), and it looks like we're going to a recount to find out if he made it.
Ben Domenech had "10 lessons for the GOP from Cuccinelli's campaign" in yesterday's Transom and he made it available at the Federalist. I beg you, read it before you try and guess at what happened here in Virginia. His 2, 3, and 8 are what really killed it.
Oh, and despite the fantasies of people who, er, can't read, it wasn't that the party abandoned Cuccinelli. That would be comforting fantasy for Cuccinelli's folks, but it just doesn't work when you look at the actual numbers.
Updated to add: Geraghty's post-mortem this morning should definitely be read.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:08 AM
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