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November 05, 2013
Obama's Covering Up His Gigantic Lie With, Get This, A New Gigantic Lie
The new lie is added to this supercut of the 36 times (and counting) Obama said "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. Period."
Note that he could repeat his lie without the aid of notes -- but now when he offers his new lie -- claiming that "What we said was that... you could keep your plain if your plan didn't change [at all]" -- he needs some Lawyer's Notes to guide him.
On Megyn Kelly last night, Judge Napolitano pointed out the power of adding Period to the end of most of these vows. When one says "Period," one means there is no fine print. There are no caveats, conditions, or qualifications. "Period" means that the vow you just heard is self-contained; there is no extraenous material elsewhere you have to check to determine what the promise means.
But that's exactly what he's saying "Period" doesn't mean now. Now he's claiming "Period" meant-- actually, he's claiming "we" said this, which is a lie -- "unless there have been any changes [whatsoever] to your policy."
Such as $5 increase in your copay to keep pace with rising medical costs. Yes, a $5 change in your copay ungrandfathers your policy. The HHS deliberately wrote these rules to terminate as many policies as possible.
Actually, the lie is deeper than that. Because if you thought "If you like your plan, you could keep your plan" meant that you would be held harmless by the changes wrought by Obamacare, then you were misled -- even grandfathered policies, for example, must have their premiums jacked up in order to pay for the sick and uninsurable.
Another part of Obamacare says that insurers can't discriminate based on health status, which means the sick pay less... and the healthy, necessarily, pay more. A lot more.
And the guarantee of "If you like your policy, you can keep your policy" was never intended to mean you wouldn't be shellacked by higher rates. Or, at least, it was intended to be understood as meaning that; Obama always knew that wasn't the way he was setting it up to work.
In other words: You were never going to keep your old policy. Even as regards grandfathered policies, you were always going to have something new: Steeply increased premiums, which represent a hidden tax to redistribute wealth to Obama's constituents.
So the only people allowed to change your policy were... Obama's HHS officials, by jacking up your premiums.
He flat out lied. And lied and lied and lied. And now he's lying some more.
More on the fallout from the Newest If You Like Your Plan Lie at Hot Air.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but the below clip from Morning Joe is worth watching. They point out that Obama sounds exasperated that he's forced to explain his lie. But then Scarborough points out Obama also sounded exasperated, as if he was dealing with children, when he was lying in the first false promises.
That is, he sounded like an exasperated parent dealing with children when he was lying to the public, and now that he has to explain why he lied, he also sounds like an exasperated parent dealing with children.
He was exasperated lying to you, and now he's exasperated lying to you about why he lied.
Either way, you have greatly disappointed Him.