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November 05, 2013
Obama Boosters Paying Hollywood $500,000 to Help Get Pro-Obamacare Advertisements Written Into TV Shows
Actually they're not paying for advertising per se, but instead are paying some lobbying group to "brief" writers and producers on "The Facts" of Obamacare.
The California Endowment, a private foundation that is spending millions to promote President Barack Obama's signature law, recently provided a $500,000 grant to ensure TV writers and producers have information about the Affordable Care Act that can be stitched into plot lines watched by millions.
The aim is to produce compelling prime-time narratives that encourage Americans to enroll, especially the young and healthy, Hispanics and other key demographic groups needed to make the overhaul a success.
"We know from research that when people watch entertainment television, even if they know it's fiction, they tend to believe that the factual stuff is actually factual," said Martin Kaplan of the University of Southern California's Norman Lear Center, which received the grant.
Wonderful. A propagandist-by-fantasy is bragging that the American public is too stupid to be able to tell the difference between fiction and fact.
Corrected: I completely blew the figure in the headline. It's $500,000, not $500 million.