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November 05, 2013
Top Headline Comments 11-5-13
Happy Tuesday.
Early post this morning, so I can get over to my polling place before work. Not that I expect it to be crowded. I don't think I've seen a single prediciton that this will be a high-turnout election, and recent ad moves by the Democrats are specifically intended to keep voters home.
The post-mortems started early this year. Here's one that follows Mark Levin's lead and blames everything on Karl Rove -- oddly for the reason that Rove hasn't been enough involved in the election. Interesting to see conservatives start demanding Rove's intercession, though. Here's one at Red State blaming Cuccinelli.
In Chris Christie-related news, Chris Matthews loses his temper when one of his guests turns out to be hackier than him.
A mega-analysis of Obamacare's effects finds that it will increase premiums on the individual market by 41% across 49 states. Oh, and that most subsidies will end up going to those nearing retirement.
Anyway, I'm off to hold my nose and vote.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:38 AM
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