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November 04, 2013
Dutch Group Creates Virtual 10-Year-Old Pedophile Lure Named "Sweetie;"
Group ID's 1000 Pedophiles by Name (So Far) And Forwards Their Information to Law Enforcement
I'm actually a little surprised anyone fell for this. "Sweetie" looks fake.

Eh. Maybe the low-res nature of the webcam masks the falseness of the virtual lure.
I'm putting up this post as a change-of-pace. Then we'll finish off with more Obamacare.
— An international children's rights group said on Monday it had passed details of 1,000 alleged Internet sex offenders to Interpolafter trawling video chatrooms with the aid of a computer-generated 10-year-old Filipina 'girl' named Sweetie.
The largest contingents of named suspects on the dossier came from the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany, Turkey, Italy and the Netherlands. In all, the charity identified suspects in 71 countries.
Here's a very tricky legal question: What do you do when these sorts of virtual child porn programs are ready for consumer sale?
Bear in mind, no actual children would be harmed in their making. It's something that grosses people out, but unlike actual child porn, which begins with an actual child victim, a computer-model child porn program would not have any actual victims.
I know people's reaction will be "criminalize it anyway," but I'm not sure that's quite right. Odious as this sexual derangement might be, a computer program for pedophiles would have no actual victim and no actual crime in it.
People will say "It encourages pedophiles to seek out real victims," but I'm not sure that's true. There are a lot of men not seeking prostitutes or raping women just because they have a safe alternative (the ubiquity of porn).
Actually... I just remembered there was already a legal controversy about the criminalization of computer-generated child porn. The Supreme Court upheld the ban, 7-2, despite this not making a great deal of sense.
Video about the Sweetie sting below -- as this is about child pornography, there is a NSFW advisory.
Again, I don't get it. It looks like a fake computer model. Although Harry Reid just emailed me to say, "This is the most exciting technology I've ever seen."