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October 25, 2013
Fall Is Falling Open Thread [Y-not]
I love Fall. It’s always been my favorite time of year, especially growing up in a hot, humid climate. Fall represented an escape from the oppressive weather and signaled the resumption of the school year, something I always enjoyed. (I denounce myself.)
Sadly, this time of year brings with it shorter days, which becomes jarringly obvious in a couple of weeks when we “fall back” for Daylight Savings Time (a thing I loathe and one of the best things about living in Indiana before they, too, succumbed to DST).
As if to compensate for the gloom of shorter days, Nature provides us with quite a show at this time of year in the form of Fall foliage. This short video from Scientific American explains the hows and whys of Fall color:
If you don’t feel like watching the video, here is another explanation of the process courtesy of National Geographic.
Of the places I’ve lived or visited during the Autumn months, I think Vermont is without a doubt the best place to enjoy Fall colors. The tree varieties, terrain, and even the local architecture make for a spectacular show.
That said, I’ve really been digging Fall in Utah. What it lacks in the vibrant reds of maple trees is more than compensated for (imho) in the gold of the aspens. There is nothing like standing amongst a stand of aspens in late afternoon as the canyon breezes pick up, especially in the Fall. I love the dappled light filtering through the leaves and the surf-like sounds the leaves make as they quake. So this weekend we’re off to see some leaves, most likely along the Nebo Loop which starts just south of us.
What are you doing this weekend?

posted by Open Blogger at
05:11 PM
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