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Totally Non-Controversial Evening Open Thread »
October 24, 2013
Changing the Pace: The Sequel - [Niedermeyer's Dead Horse]
It worked out so well last time, I thought maybe we'd do it again.
Time for a late afternoon change of pace...
In Pop Culture news:
E! is reporting that an A-list actress worked the sex-club circuit to get roles.
My money is on Melissa McCarthy.
Animals and the Environment:
Look! Feral cows! My takeaway from this article: Never, ever try to break up a cow-fight.
Out of this World... almost:
Didn't qualify for the astronaut program? Can't afford a Virgin trip to outer-space? Here's your compromise.
Record-breaking news:
These folks had a burning desire to break a world record.
In Fresh Out of College news:
There are boring internships at stodgy, old pencil companies, and then there are these: The 20 Best Internships in America
In They-Just-Can't-Help-Themselves news:
The city of Seattle gets the jump on an upcoming property value increase; Uses eminent domain to take property from 103-year old woman.
This-Really-Deserves-Its-Own-Post news:
I would love to see Ace tear into this bitch: The worst wife in Britain
Sporting news:
So you love college football? Do you love just the big names, or do you support the little guys too? I'm not sure what to make of this.
And, a video:
The best sport in sports.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:34 PM
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