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October 08, 2013
Top Headline Comments 10-8-13
Day 8.
NYTimes reports that the faulty Obamacare websites were designed by contractors, who the White House has declined to identify. That's right, proles, you have no right to know just which donors' sons got paid outrageous sums of taxpayer money to half-ass the exchange software and which other donors' sons are now getting paid outrageous sums of taxpayer money to fix the half-assed work that should have been done correctly in the first place.
USAToday's editorial compares Bush 43's rollout of the online Medicare plan finder to Obamacare's online exchanges debut: "the difference between competence and incompetence."
Politico notes that the Democrats are showing a bit of daylight between the White House and the Senate on the budget & debt ceiling. Quite simply, Obama is telegraphing that he's ready to negotiate. Senate Democrats think that's a terrible idea because, dontcha know, they've got other things to do: "What does short-term buy us? That buys us Thanksgiving in Washington."
Speaking of turkeys . . . VP Biden, who brokered the deal that got us the sequester cuts in 2011 and fended off the fiscal cliff at the start of this year, has been banned from dealing by Sen. Reid. "None of the deals Biden has struck have aged well from the perspective of the Democratic Caucus."
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:51 AM
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