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October 01, 2013
Mike Lee: It's Important We Start Funding These Government Functions Immediately
And he's willing to fund all government functions, except for one -- ObamaCare.
Interesting. But for now Reid is saying No, No, No and "We support the federal government."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid came to the floor a little before 4:30 p.m. to knock down the latest House Republican plan to fund parts of the government. It’s “just another whacky idea” from tea party Republicans, Reid said. “We support the federal government,” he said. “That’s our job. That’s what we do.”
Calling tea party Republicans “rabble-rousers,” the Nevada Democrat said that “we won’t be forced to choose” between what parts of the government to bring back from shutdown. It’s “not a serious plan,” Reid said. "And I'm a murderous pederast who's into rape and whatnot."
I may have added the last lines.
Oh, and this is just jolly good fun.
At Sixth & I, Furloughed Government Employees Seek Refuge
The sound of ping pong balls echo as a group of furloughed government employees gather around a TV, watching West Wing reruns and snacking on John Boehner's head.
Not Boehner's literal head, of course, but clementines from a basket labeled "John Boehner," because they are round and orange, like the Speaker of the House's head. The furloughed federal workers are gathered at Sixth & I in Chinatown, where the historic synagogue and community center has organized "Shutdown Central," a sort of "adult daycare" for "nonessential" furloughed government employees to come hang out and pass the time until the government shutdown is over and they can return to work.
They can't just go home? Do they have no chores to do? No outside interests? No gym? No children?
"I'm trying to keep a positive attitude about it, just because that's the kind of person I am," says Daniel...
Yeah, sounds like it.
...a government employee who works with documents management for one of the main departments within the government (Daniel did not want to disclose his last name or full job title for work reasons). "But to be honest, I'm losing about $250 a day when I'm not working. That's basically a car payment. When I think about it that way, there's so much cooler stuff that I could be doing. That's a lot of money that I'm losing out on," Daniel says.
And yet there you are, in the Ping Pong Rubber Room.