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October 01, 2013
Hobbit 2 Trailer
Okay whatever dudes.
This one's got lots of Legolas in it. Yeah, I haven't seen enough of Legolas. The LoTR movies didn't give me enough Legolas. Nor did Pirates of the Caribbean give me enough Seafaring Legolas. Nor did Troy give me enough Aeneid Legolas.
But I guess they've figured me out, and what they've figured out about me is that I crave Moar Legolas.
There seems to be a wide gap between how much they think I like Legolas (a great deal, apparently) versus how much I actually do like Legolas (he's either a taller Pippin or a shorter Treabeard).
Why is he always Sensing things? "I sense danger." "I sense orcs afoot." "I sense an evil presence." Is that like gaydar for orcs or something?
And why get coy with the verb "sense"? Why not be specific and say "I See orcs" or "I Hear orcs" or even "I Smell Orcs?" Who the hell says "Sense" in real life instead of naming the actual sense you're using?
No one yells "I Sense that you just ran that red light!" Right? Right.
Legolas is annoying and needs to be put down.
Meanwhile, Acculturated is all ga-ga for Fox's new show, Sleepy Hollow. I watched like the first 20 minutes of it, because I wanted to see the Revolutionary War scenes. (It was basically one scene and it lasted thirty seconds.)
It's... eh, kinda cute. It's basically Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow + Tim Burton's Dark Shadows + Rip Van Winkle (hero sleeps for centuries) + Terminator (hero time travels to save future from evil creature) + Highlander minus sword plus Axe.
Meh. I've seen worse.