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Media Which Wetted Its Panties Over Wendy Davis Has Not a Good Thing to Say About Ted Cruz »
September 25, 2013
Final Minutes of Ted Cruz's Not-Quite-a-Filbuster, as Reid Counts Down the Minutes Until He Seizes the Floor
I did not expect him to have this level of endurance, to be honest. He has completely beat my expectations as far as determination.
This must be a difficult thing.
Here's a recap from National Journal.
8:53 a.m.: Ted Cruz: I'm Not Hip
Comparing himself to Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, Senator Cruz said that he is not hip. That he can't attract people with earrings and Birkenstocks. But, he says, he can still quote Ashton Kutcher. "I will take it as a given that there is no politician on the planet who qualifies as cool."
As he did on Tuesday, Cruz decided to cite from Ashton Kutcher's Teen Choice Awards speech. Video of the speech itself, and some background on it, can be found below.
"Always be sexy," Cruz said, quoting Kutcher. "I salute that message."
Reid is determined to retake the floor at noon.
But Cruz has set the record for the fourth-longest Senate speech.
Of course, if you're going to talk for almost 24 hours, you're going to have to talk about Star Wars at some point.
I don't know if he did that as a reference to Patton Oswald's filibuster on Parks and Recreation. Maybe, maybe not.
Thanks to @gabrielmalor and @benk84. They already covered all/most of this. But we needed a new thread and Cruz is nearing the end.