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September 23, 2013
Lois Lerner Resigns From IRS; IRS Suddenly Grants True the Vote Tax-Exempt Status; Files to Dismiss True the Vote's Lawsuit
Of course she did nothing wrong.
That's why she's retiring.
What a terrible thing You Guys did to this woman.
Update: Apparently the IRS is clearing the decks of Old Bad Business. They've offered True the Vote the tax-exempt status they've sought for years.
In order to keep True the Vote's lawsuit against them from going forward.
“We are pleased and relieved that the IRS and the DOJ are finally doing what should have been done three years ago, which is to recognize TTV as a charitable and educational organization, which we have always been and will continue to be,” True The Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht said in a statement provided exclusively to Breitbart News.
The IRS granted the tax-exempt status on Friday night and then filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit all in the same document. True The Vote is accepting the tax-exempt status, but will file a counter motion to continue fighting the other counts of the lawsuit against the IRS.