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September 21, 2013
Overnight Open Thread (21 Sep 2013)
Yes, we are becoming a banana republic. Mark Steyn: American Banana Republic.
“Banana republic” is an American coinage — by O. Henry, a century ago, for a series of stories set in the fictional tropical polity of Anchuria. But a banana republic doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a sensibility, and it’s difficult to mark the precise point at which a free society decays into something less respectable. Pace Obama, ever swelling debt, contracts for cronies, a self-enriching bureaucracy, a shrinking middle class preyed on by corrupt tax collectors, and thuggish threats against anyone who disagrees with you put you pretty far down the banana-strewn path.
Benghazi Movie
HBO to make Benghazi movie. Now we all know HBO is as lefty as they come so I'm surprised they are making this movie UNLESS it is a total rewrite that differs greatly from the book and somehow overlooks Hillary's role in the whole mess. If they stick to the book, I'll be floored.
Hi-Rez Moon
A unique view of the moon. Impressive hi-rez shots.
Music Video
Dumbass Of The Day
This guy is a genius. Rubbing antifreeze in eyes backfires on man claiming he was maced.
Andrew D. Zeiner, 29, told investigators he was sprayed with Mace while traveling northbound on I-75 near U.S. 35. He said the person who maced him was someone he had cut off when changing lanes on the highway.
Zeiner claims his eyes started to water and sting, causing him to hit the car directly in front of him before swerving and hitting a barrier.
As police were probing Zeiner on his claims of being maced, they noticed the engine of his 1998 Honda was spraying antifreeze, which was likely what got into his eyes.
He told police that he is a mechanic and has had antifreeze in his eyes before but that it didn't burn. Against an officer's advice Zeiner then rubbed some antifreeze into his eyes in an attempt to prove his point.
Zeiner's eyes then began to burn and water.
Sasquatch Sightings
Sasquatch sightings across the US and Canada visualized. That many in FL?
Don't Get Cocky
This is just priceless.
Fantasy Football Shenanigans
Remind me not to have lawyers in a fantasy league. Law student prepares appellate brief after his fantasy football trade gets vetoed.
Shark vs Crocodile
Crocodile 1, Shark 0. Syfy will make Crocnado in no time now!
Designer Vajayjays
Surgery statistics show rise in young women getting 'designer vajayjays'. Are those real doctors in the photo at the bottom of the article?
Cat Video
Ginger Cat vs Paper Army
Tonight's ONT brought to you by The Dark Side:
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