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September 19, 2013
Overnight Open Thread (9-19-2013)
And now for something really important...
Why the Hell Doesn't McDonald's Serve Breakfast All Day?

6 Books That Destroy Your Image of the People Who Wrote Them
And then you have the curious case of Lynn Cheney and 19th century lesbian erotica.

Plus Why Everyone Is Talking All Retarded and Shit Today
Passing the Buck on Nutters in The Military
And this:

Rick Reilly Trolls the Left; Hilarity Ensues
Needless to say, the PC left was not pleased. Deadspin's Tim Marchman called Reilly's column "the worst thing." Which is kind of hilarious since, on a scale of "zero to small pox blankets" Reilly's column is, like, the least bad thing to happen to native Americans in 200 years. But whatever.
Old People Are a New Thing
Where They Don't Speaka Da English
Still a lot of Deutsch in the mid-west.

Kate Upton Goes Golfing
With Arnold Palmer.

Vitamin Water and 'You Retard'

California Becomes First State In Nation To Regulate Ride-Sharing
To keep San Francisco from ban-regulating them.
In Los Angeles Schools Stalk Students
Google StreetView in Columbia
Just a tad rougher than what you expected.
Sun God Weak - Demands More Virgins
Where NFL Quarterbacks Throw

Sweden: A Fappers Paradise
Just don't make eye contact.
Yahoo group. That is all.
The group thingy. And the middle class.
And my Twitter spew.
Tonight's post brought to you by for her pleasure:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips plus $1 for S&H to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send your scraps to BizarroAce. Do not taunt happy-fun ball.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:02 PM
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