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September 16, 2013
This Is Officially Just Steal From Hot Air Day Open Thread
Rep. Justin Amash points out -- more or less honestly -- that he's doing the President a favor by attempting to suspend the disastrous ObamaCare "law" by another year.
I say "law" in quotes because Obama apparently feels it's less than a true law, and can be repealed in part (or in whole) by simple Executive Whim.
Obama totes means it when he draws a red line for Iran even though the red line for Syria turned out to be a little on the yellowish side.
I gotta brag about this: World Chess Champ, Human rights campaigner, Putin foe, and former Russian presidential candidate Garry Kasparov actually follows me on Twitter.
Sorry, had to brag.
Apparently he's a Moron.
Obama has now cancelled his Latin Music Festival thing.
On the other hand, the White House feels it was appropriate to demagogue on the economy while the Capitol was in lock-down over a shooting at the Navy Yard.
I don't know what to make of this-- apparently J.D. Salinger had a reason to want to keep his privacy. While he was writing like... the equivalent of three or four books or whatever for his entire life, and being praised for it Like Unto a God, he was having a lot of sex with very young women.
That article is a confessional/blamessional by one of Salinger's paramours. He was 53; she was... 18. She was obviously heartbroken by his termination of the affair (and he actually gave her two fifty dollar bills to go away!) and affected by it her whole life.
But is she right to be bitter? She casts her love for Salinger as born of weakness and a lack of wisdom. But what were things like on his end? Fifty-three-year-old men have their own sort of weaknesses, too. This girl's youth may have been weakness as to herself, but it was power as regards a fading old writer.
(Bear in mind, I would not make the same argument about a younger woman girl. But at some point, society says "You are now officially old enough to make your own mistakes," and I'm not going to escalate that age on my own authority.)
And let's face it, 99% of romances are doomed to end in failure and heartbreak.
And by the way, I do not get the J.D. Salinger reverence. I think he was a Phony.
A woman tweeted about her success in fleeing a traffic stop. It turned out the way you'd expect.
Mild content warning: Lipstick?
Obama's Long Lame Duck Term to come.
Via The Daily Paul, a high school history textbook edits the 2nd Amendment for students. By the way, do enjoy The Daily Paul's logo/slogan.
pic via @chrisloesch