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Spaced-Out Challenge: Comet ISON Update »
September 15, 2013
Gaming Thread
I've tried writting a rough draft on this thing a few times already and deleted them. I just don't really get this product. Don't get me wrong, it's a low risk investment for Sony which is good but I don't really see a market for the thing either. Like a lot of things, the whole $99 price is a trick as it's a tard pack in all the senses of the lexicon. It only has 1GB of storage on it but you need to have a DS3 or DS4 controller which if you're a gamer, that gig is not even enough to get a Vita game on it and if you're a mainstream consumer, you get nothing to control the device without also buying a controller separately. The $150 bundle isn't bad per say as it gets you a controller and a 8 gig memory card but it shines a light on the whole fact that they're going to bend you over on their overpriced proprietary flash memory cards. And with Andrew House claiming that they're aiming it as a shot to the AppleTV and ChromeCast and I just can't but help laugh at the notion due to the lack of media features that is on the Vita and the fact that the video output is only 720P/1080i. As a gaming device, it goes against the current market trends of gaming on the go. And frankly, none of the Vita games are good enough visually to make you want to see them upscaled on a TV. Like the VR headset, this comes off as Sony Japan being Sony Japan. Like I said, it's a low risk accessory (just cannibalize the unsold Vitas) but I can't but help think it's a very low reward proposition as well. Where is Xzibit when we need him?
more crap below
• Capcom is slow on the upkeep as they finally acknoledge in their finacial report that they expect the market of packaged games is coming to a close in the near future. Frankly I think they're being a bit too soft in their down 30% by 2017 shrinkage but at least they finally achoknowledge it.
• Open BETA for Battlefield 4 starts on the 1st for 360, PS3 and the PC. It will feature Conquest Mode on the Seige of Shanghai map
• Peter Molyneux and his group, 22Cans released the paid beta of Godus on Steam for $19.99.
• New video of the upcoming DriveClub, this one looking at it during the night. Not digging the cockpit view at night
• The release date of the upcoming HD remake of the first Fable game got pushed back to post-holiday season. Be out now sometime in Feburary.
• Major Nelson hitting the road to show off the Xbox One. Sure, you can already hit the MS stores to play around with stuff but I've always been a fan of these type of events when you have new stuff to showoff.
• Microsoft marketing still asleep at the wheel as they finally bought the Xbone domain name.They're marketing department really needs a cleaning
• Well, it's gotten a pretty big downgrade in comparison to what they showed in Fuburary but new Deep Down trailer was shown at the Sony Presser.
• Ono also went on to talk about the game. It sounds interesting but that initial premise for the story: The game is set in New York, year 2094. The members of a group called “Ravens” (the players) have the special ability to travel back in time by reading the memory of items and listening to the voice of the past. They can travel to the past by using the information they read from the items." just sounds.......yeah. The other stuff does sound really cool though.
• Well, this is one way to sell a Highschool DxD game
• We're gonna get this before we even get Final Fantasy Type 0 in the west but Sony announced a sequel called Final Fantasy Agito for iOS and Android
• The countdown to Microsoft buying Remedy Entertainment continues as Mike Capps (former president of Epic) joins their board of directors. Though just a board position, it's a good pickup for Remedy. Just now need MS to write a blank check to Cliffy B and everything will be interesting.
• Valve announced that a limited beta for Family Sharing starts this week. It lets you to be able to connect 10 others into sub-accounts onto yours and they can play your games when you yourself is not playing anything in your library.
• Just gonna leave this here
• Uplay to be deeply integrated into the One and PS4......hmmm
• Not much for gaming came out during Apple's press conference other than the A7X should be great in the iPad refresh, controller support in iOS 7 (which is out on Wednesday night) and that final episode of Infinity Blade is out this week and had a new trailer
New Releases
The Wonderful 101 - This game has bombed really hard in Japan and yet it's frankly the only game that interests me on the Wii U. Sadly it's coming out the same week as GTAV.
Grand Theft Auto 5 - Let's be honest, this is the only game that comes out this week that matters. Thankfully only Nintendo is sending something out to die this week. It's got nipples this time
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That about wraps it up,
The Dude

posted by Gang of Gaming Morons! at
02:56 PM
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