� Truthiness: Stephen Colbert, Much Praised by Media as Truth Telling Conscience of the Nation, Now Just Straight Up Lying About Competitors |
Thursday Night NFL �
September 12, 2013
Voters Are Stupid Things, Recalled Democratic Idiot Says Open Thread
This Giron woman sure seems miffed.
If you're in a bad mood, do yourself a solid and watch the video, and let her sweet sweet tears of FAILrage run over your body and heal your ills.
Hot Air has a post with much more detail, including a dismissal of her claims and an explanation why she lost. (Hint: It's the arrogance.)
The video here is amusing. Serious flooding caused a "Swamp Thing"-like Shambling Mound to rise from the street of downtown Manitou Springs, Colorado. (I think.)
Okay, now look at the weather map that leads that post.
Are you kidding me with this? Is this a joke?
You have one township named Manitou Springs. "Manitou" is an Indian word for a spirit or demon. Then you have a place called "The Garden of the Gods."
Yes, The Garden of the Gods.
What did you think was going to happen here, guys? You're like the land developer in Poltergeist who's all like, "Ohhhh, you mean I shouldn't have built a development on the Old Cursed Indian Graveyard...! That's an interesting take! You should've written a memo!"
Hey I'm going to start my own town. I'm going to call it Satan's Asshole. We'll see how things go. We'll have a community pool so we're starting off ahead of the game right there. We'll deal with the Poop Demon problem as it arises.
Piers Morgan's ratings must be bad, because he's upping his game in the Failing Media's favorite promotional gimmick, Stupidity Trolling:
Great article from Duh, Ya Think?! Magazine, published by A-Derrr A-Doyyiee Communications.
Cory Booker has a new imaginary friend. Well, the friend apparently existed. But he didn't die in Cory Booker's arms.
Now, you may get the idea that the Left is dumb, dishonest, and borderline insane due to my selective cherry-picking of quotes that make them look bad.
Well let me correct that bias in my reportage. Via @matthops82, here's the left, in fullest flower, firing on all cylinders:
#SmartTake, as the kids say with their twitmachine.
Kaboom Cereal just called me up and said, "I've been slandered. Where do I go to get my reputation back?"
I tried my "random YouTube search terms" thing again and tried "bother a cow." I got some hits, but they're not good. I link just to prove that the concept works.
On the other hand, a video named "Funny Animal Attacks" must be good.
Early night. I'm bushed.