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September 10, 2013
Russia Does That Thing That Everyone Except the White House Brain Trust Knew They Were Going to Do
Is there a Nobel Prize for bathos?
Russia withdraws request for UN Security Council meeting which would have debated Russia's own plan.
And Putin, testing the mettle of this Young President (?) just like Joe Biden drooled, now decides that First, You Will Blow Me.
But the actual statement was that first the US must renounce all future intention of using force against Syria, and then we will have a debate on Syria turning its weapons over to international monitoring.
In lieu of speech, Obama will just replay the Seinfeld episode "This was supposed to be the Summer of George" and weep softly.
Obama has already secured the agreement of all American media figures to call the airing of the episode "bold" and "visionary."
From our own Morning Dump BenK (@benk84),
It's funny because it's poo.