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September 09, 2013
The Daily Mail Trolls Again: 49 Year Old Former Model Says She Can't Get Work Because She "Looks Too Young"
Yeah... she doesn't, and I don't believe she said this. I think she's been put up to saying it.
I keep mentioning this Troll Strategy. The first example of it, at least as far as my own hearing of it, was the Daily Mail's outrageously outrageous Why Women Hate Me For Being Too Beautiful nonsense article, which was accused of being a put-up job for purposes of creating a bus crash that would draw a lot of coverage from the ROFL-copters.
The new victim is a fine looking woman. But she does look 49. Or older. She certainly does not look "too young," and no one could possibly believe such a thing, and no one would possibly claim such a thing.
I don't know whether I should be upset by obvious Carnival Barking or just amused by it. The media has always been a Carnival Barking business; in fact, the first media, as a matter of history, were carnivals. (Caveat: The first media were not carnivals. I don't even know why I said this. This may be the dumbest thing I've ever written and I've written some really dumb things.)
So should we just roll our eyes at Slate and Salon and the Daily Mail and the Washington Post, and thank them for making our days amusing with calculated nonsense?
Or should would be a bit uptight and demand they be better?
I actually don't know. I'm not sure if I should be upset by a Carnival Barker doing some Carnival Barking.