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September 03, 2013
Texas Man Beats His 5-Year-Old Daughter's Rapist to Death with Bare Fists; Texas Grand Jury Declines to Indict Him, Awards Him Some Medals, Gives Him a Car and Bag of Golf Clubs and a Porcelain Dalmation
Well actually they just acquitted him but if the law permitted for Exciting Prizes they might have done that too.
The Texas Grand Jury relied upon an nineteenth century provision of common law, which states (and here I translate from the original Texan), He Got What He Got Because He Needed To Get It.
This wasn't a cold-blooded execution; the father walked in to find the molester raping his five year old daughter. So he had the right to use deadly force to protect his daughter, to remove the threat from her. The legal question concerns at what point he was required to stop beating on the guy. And apart from the legal question there's the practical question: Who the hell, in this kind of situation, is calculating precisely the level of force required to remove a threat?
No one does, and yet the law requires that.
Local Texans favor the grand jury's decision... just slightly.
Residents of the small Lavaca County town were largely in support of the father, saying the victim deserved it.
Sonny Jaehne, a Shiner native, told the Victoria Advocate: ‘He got what he deserved, big time.
Friend Mark Harabis reiterated this: ‘I agree with him totally. I would probably do worse.
America is 300 million strong lunatic asylum, but within the asylum grounds there are pockets of untreatable sanity, resistant to Lunatic Therapy and Maniac Medication.