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August 26, 2013
Retraction: Principal Explains Reason for "Take a Knee" Policy
On Thursday, I think, in the Open Thread round-up, I mentioned this story, claiming that a principal was forcing kids to "kneel" before him. In the comments DAve said I had the story completely wrong but I failed to follow up.
Via @dloesch, there's a lot more to this story and it never should have been used (as I used it) for quick-hit outrage purposes.
Basically the school's idea is this: Kids get all hyper, running around at recess, then they continue that hyper behavior when it's time to come back in from lunch, running and tripping and shouting like demons, as kids will. So, the school has them take a knee at the end of lunch, as a coach might do, to get that hyper energy to dissipate out from them, and I guess to change their minds over from the Run Like Angry Vikings setting to the Get Ready to Sit Still and Listen to a Teacher Talking setting.
Whatever the merits of this policy are, it certainly isn't a case of a principal demanding kids kneel before Zod.
And, by way of apology, here's some polar bear cubs playing with a giant ball.