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August 05, 2013
Eleventh Accuser: Filner Tried to Pick Me Up In a Church

Eleven! Eleven is heaven!
Ah ah ahhhh!
You see those devotional candles over there, baby?
I got those beat. In my pants.
Another woman has come forward with accusations that San Diego Mayor Bob Filner made unwanted advances -- this time at a church fundraiser in La Jolla to heighten awareness about refugees from Africa.
"Oh you're so beautiful, you're so beautiful," said Filner, by [the married] Estill-Sombright's account. "I want to take you out. This is a private invite, not a social invite."
There's a headline at the top of that page, too, noting that 77% of San Diegans want Filner gone.
He's like ObamaCare with a visible erection.