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August 05, 2013
"Wolverine," A Film By Woody Allen
Link here, from Official Comedy.
Worth it.
Also, this mash-up of every Hero's Quest movie from the last ten years, which is practically half the movies of the last ten years, compiled into a single trailer for a fake movie called "Eterna," demonstrates just how samey-samey all these movies are, the same dramatic sweeps and zooms, the same dramatically whispered "I still believe in heroes" or "You must accept your destiny" and so on.
On the other hand, when one is done pretending to be all elevated and jaded, the trailer might prove how awesome Splodey Movies can sometimes be, because damn, wow, some of this looks great. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I should really rent 2012.
Nicholas Cage must be happy to have three films in this supercut: Ghost Rider 2, Knowing, and a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cut from Next. I am the only person in the world who saw, and liked, all three of these films.
Via @allahpundit, here's the backstory on the Russian editor who made "Eterna."
Via @gpollowitz and @andylevy