� War on Women: Democrats Covered Up For Filner For Years, Permitting Him Fresh Victims, and Now They're Doing It Again |
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July 29, 2013
Member of the San Diego Media Admits They Long Knew About Filner, But Chose Not to Investigate Nor Report;
How About the DC Media?
There are no Stupid Questions, but there are Forbidden ones.
Regardless of how the Bob Filner mess eventually ends�and it will end, somehow�there are questions that need to be asked and answered.
They are questions that should have been asked long ago, and should have been asked by those whose job it is to ask such questions: us.
Who are �us�?
�Us� are the San Diego news media reporters, editors, producers and writers who pretty much knew who and what Bob Filner is and has been.
Yes, I�m including myself in that group. I�ve covered Bob Filner off and on since he was elected to the San Diego Unified School District Board in 1979. From the beginning, most of us saw how arrogant Filner was and is, how abusive he could be to his own staff members, how he felt elective office entitled him to be all those things and more.
We all saw that in Filner, and yet we did nothing about it. Filner was often a topic of conversation among us when we gathered at news conferences or when we would gather at the various watering holes many of us frequented together when off work.
The near universal opinion among us was, �Can you believe this guy? Why does he get away with acting like that?� Then another round of drinks would appear, and talk went on to other things.
But we never asked those questions on air or in print. We never really tried to find out what was behind the near-incessant rumors that always floated around Filner. We never tried to confirm any of those rumors, or, if we did, we quickly gave up when presented with the denials, or refusals to talk about it.
We didn�t do our jobs. We didn�t try to work our way to the truth or what appeared to be the truth.
I've been saying this for a week -- it is simply capital-I Impossible that the Washington media did not know that this 20 year Congressman was molesting his staffers and those who came to meet with him to discuss actual government business.
People talk about these things. People talk about two things:
1, People,
2, People's misbehavior and scandals.
It is absurd to say otherwise. This is what 75% of human conversation consists of.
For the media to even suggest they didn't know is yet another stinking lie in their already-monstrous pile of horseshit.
via @johnekdahl and @starchambermaid