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Best TM comment I've seen so far »
June 28, 2013
Top Headline Comments 6-28-13
Happy Friday.
Occasional guestblogger Ben Domenech linked this old "Libertarian Purity Test" on Twitter last night, which provided a couple amusing hours of discussion. I (and others) were interested to discover just how wide the range of outcomes within the GOP blogosphere and twitterverse.
Among the cobs, I scored a 65. JohnE scored a 68. Andy scored a 56. Fairly close together.
For comparison's sake, Adam Baldwin scored a 73. Kathleen McKinley, who commented here years ago as RightwingSparkle before going on to blogospheric success of her own, scored an 82. Domenech himself scored a 92.
On the low end, John Gabriel, who joined us for the podcast two weeks ago, scored a 41. Guestblogger Ben Howe, of Red State, scored a 31. And Townhall blogger and radio host Guy Benson scored a 26.
Domenech said he's going to tally last night's responses and share the results.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:49 AM
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