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June 07, 2013
As Predicted, New York Times Just Can't Stay Mad at Its Backdoor Lover
Baby I'm sorry I got so mad at you. Words were said, and they can't be taken back, but they can be softened.
As you probably know by now, the New York Times decided they had indeed overplayed their hand, and decided to refund most of Obama's credibility by stealth-editing their harsh judgment into "The administration has now lost all credibility on this issue."
Apparently they still think he's entirely credible when he says things like, "If you like your health-care plan, you can keep your plan."
I think you and John are right about the pantomime nature of all this - I call it "Fifty Shades of Grey Lady" - but it's somewhat significant that Obama's loyal lapdogs feel the need to stage this little snit at all.
I'm not sure it's significant at all. Christopher Hitchens noted that after 9/11, terrorist-apologists would say things like, "Of course what happened on 9/11 was bad, but we can't get all emotional about this."
He called this practice "rhetorical throat-clearing," a meaningless amuse bouche before the actual meal.
I had written at the Conversation:
So don't think that this is "The moment the New York Times turns." It's not. This is a marriage between Obama and the media and it's too wonderful a marriage to toss away just because the media caught Obama hanging out late at night with Warrants of Ill Repute.
It's a pantomime, it's a show. They want Obama to call him to his offices and personally -- off the record -- assure them they're still his One and Only, and of course he'll do just that.
But for now, we can hear a bit of the lover's spat through the thin wall to the adjoining apartment. Let's turn up the music because we'll hear giggling and lover's cooing soon enough again.
But I didn't expect the New York Times would stealth-edit its apologies into its original Show of Hurt! That shows just how unserious they are, or, rather, how seriously, passionately in love with Obama they are and will always be.
He is their sun and their sky, their moon and their stars.