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Overnight Open Thread (1 Jun 2013) »
June 01, 2013
A New Open Thread That Will Smell Clean, Then Slowly Decay Until It's Putrid And Stale
If you're looking for a laugh, read this hysterical column written by Curtis Morrison, the man caught trying to bug Mitch McConnell's campaign office.
A few of the funny lines:
"Unlike Mitch McConnell, I will not paint myself as a victim.", says guy in 3000 whiny, self-satisfied words intended to paint himself as the victim.
"McConnell was prepping for a race against the actress Ashley Judd — it was “the Whac-a-Mole stage of the campaign,” McConnell said smugly — and the recording captures his team in some Grade-A jackassery, including plans to use Judd’s history of depression against her." They were reading word-for-word from her autobiography.
"If given another chance to record him, I’d do it again." He's about to be charged with a felony and his bugging accomplished absolutely nothing.
If you don't feel like reading it, at least click through to the picture. A little old to be crawling around on his hands and knees with a rudimentary recording device, no?

posted by JohnE. at
08:44 PM
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