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May 23, 2013
Of Course: Despite Claims She Had Nothing to Do With Scandal, And That It Was All "Front Line" (Low-Level) Workers, Lois Lerner's Signature is on Letters to Many Groups Targeted by IRS
I don't know why I'm even slightly surprised.
I think people have a natural impulse to believe there's some truth in what someone says -- I think we (or I, at least) have a tic somewhere that says "Well, no one lies completely brazenly; there's always some tiny safe harbor of truth their statement takes refuge in."
But that's wrong. Sometimes, people just Straight Up Lie About Everything.
A series of letters suggests that senior IRS official Lois Lerner was directly involved in the agency’s targeting of conservative groups as recently as April 2012, more than nine months after she first learned of the activity.
A superb civil servant. She's certainly earned her taxpayer-paid vacation.