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May 12, 2013
Sunday Link Dump [Purp]
Hollande refuses slavery reparations payments
"What has been, has been," Hollande said in a speech to mark France's slavery remembrance day. "History cannot be rubbed out. It cannot be subjected to an accounting process that... would be impossible to complete."
European solar panel makers status: dire with a chance of impending death
...Those subsidies are being phased out faster than expected, while greater competition within Europe and the United States as well as from China have pushed down prices and forced panel manufacturers to the wall...
Canadian boffins figure out way to use rust as a hydrolysis catalyst This paves the way for inexpensive off-peak storage technology for solar/wind power schemes.
Desmond Tutu: "I have voted for the ANC, but I would very sadly not be able to vote for them after the way things have gone..."
China unveils a real stealth drone. And it looks stealthy, unlike that phony shit Kim's been pitching.
Walmart is deploying mobile food testing labs in China. They want to ensure that the Walmart brand is not associated with various food contamination scandals that still plague China.
China's aircraft carrier is finally gonna get some planes.
China is pissed off that the US is leveling cyber-war charges against them. Hand. Cookie jar.
Global Warming Cold Weather is making sea turtles sick.
$45M looted from ATM's in a matter of hours with phony/hacked prepaid ATM cards. It was a global flash mob of perps striking all over the world simultaneously.
Americans are completely clueless about Japanese and Chinese brands.
And THAT'S how easy it is to ignore NBC.
NBC delenda est.

posted by Open Blogger at
08:25 AM
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