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May 09, 2013
Old Married White Male Who Likes Wal*Mart and Chick-fil-A Says That There Was a Major Ommission from Administration's Reporting on Benghazi
But he won't say what.
But Ed might have found what he's talking about-- this disclosure was reported by Yahoo news.
Gowdy provided one of the few surprises in the hearing, reading what he described as an email from the day after the attacks in which Acting Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Beth Jones said she had told the Libyan governor that “the group that conducted the attacks, Ansar al-Sharia, is affiliated with Islamic terrorists.” That raised fresh questions about why top Obama aides emphasized the role of spontaneous demonstrations against the video in public remarks for days afterwards.
When Hicks called Beth Jones to ask her why the Administration was pushing the YouTube video talking point despite knowing the falsity of it, Beth Jones could only say "I don't know."
The Administration cannot claim they were right on this matter, of course. Clearly they were wrong. Their defense is that they were wrong in good faith, as opposed to deliberately false.
It is currently impossible to maintain even that in the face of every indicator stating that this was a planned attack by extremists either directly associated with Al Qaeda or with a jihadist group similar to Al Qaeda, and with no evidence whatsoever this was connected to a YouTube video. Hillary Clinton's wishing for it to be so is not "intelligence," though the Administration and its Palace Guard Media seems to want to credit it as such.
But while it is currently impossible to maintain this "good faith error" claim in the face of this evidence, obviously each new disclosure showing that everyone in the government knew immediately that this was a planned terrorist attack makes the lie even more absurd.
Who knows, at one point perhaps even the leftist media will find it too hard to believe in Fairy Tales.