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May 07, 2013
Chuck Schumer Explains Why I Was a Fool to Consider Universal Background Checks in Good Faith
Now it's time for a new political witch-hunt. We have to keep making up phony-baloney panics to keep the public snake-fascinated and panic-stupid, or else we just might lose our phony-baloney jobs.
So long as they keep throwing right-bashing chum to a media intensely interested in discussing anything except that, they can avoid discussing the actual problems.
Update: Lindsay Graham guesses that the "dam is about to break on Benghazi."
I say "guesses" because he precedes that with "I think that...," which I take to mean he's speculating, not giving us inside information on a solid prediction.
A few weeks back someone said I shouldn't say "I think..." before stating what I think. I don't agree. I think "I think" is a useful tag to note uncertainty or speculation.
I wouldn't say "I think the Framers warned us against tyranny." I know they did that. Thus, no "I think..." preceding the statement. (The only time I would say that is if I was playing dumb for the sake of a joke, pretending to be unsure of something I wasn't unsure of at all.)